Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are You Seeking Bromace?

This is what I would call every man's dream. But first lets take a step back and define the word BROMANCE: Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. Its that feeling you get deep down (and all you guys out there know what I am talking about here) when your with that one guy (you could have a few guys) that you have a bromance with that just makes any situation fun. For some of you out there your probably thinking and saying under your breath, WOW this kid is definitely a faggot. Well I am sorry for you guys because things like this do exist, things like a bromance are what got me through college.
Okay enough with this mooshy shit and soft talk about bromance. Lets talk about the something prized by most men and if not, you guys should really look into this. The act of Double Teaming a girl...yea thats right a double team. For this act, as you all probably know, you need to find a chick with low inhibitions or little to no self respect. I know for most of you guys this would be tough because it means you have to put in work, like talk to her and find out what she is about. For you other guys you could just find the most inebriated slop show of a girl you can find at the bar, because alcohol does the work for you. When all of the above fails, you pigs out there know whats next, just find the fattest chick at the bar and hang a piece of salami from your zipper.
There are a few rules to a double team

1.Preferences go out the window and you must shotgun the hole you desire within 500 yards of the destination. Squatting right dont apply, you must agree on a rotation.

2. Never go ass to mouth with this chick because you or your bro could in the heat of the moment kiss this chick to keep the mood.

3.Eyes open is a must. The last thing you want to do is grab a hand full of your buddies meat.

4.Never cross swords.

5.No matter how drunk, once that chick passes out you have to bail. There is no such thing as a sleep over, no man left behind you grab your bro and get the fuck out of there. The last thing you want to do is wake up spooning with your buddy.

I am not saying that these are rules that you have to live by, like my great grand-daddy once said: "To each there own." These are just a few tips to get you through an epic night that you may never forget or never remember.
Good Luck to all!

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